No, the copyright remains with the Artist/seller of the image.
Royalty free refers to the fact that you don’t have to pay for using the image continually, and that buying it only gives you a license to use it (in a limited way) time and again.
No, the license to use is non-transferable, even gifting it or sharing is not allowed.
Yes, the license is non-exclusive and the artists can sell their images as many times as they like.
No, you can use the image worldwide without any geographical limitation.
No, since you don’t own the copyright of the image, these would be copyright infringement and hence, illegal.
You can use the images in digital media like
- On websites or online advertising
- Online marketing campaigns
- As part of creative projects
- On your website template, but not as the models endorsing your product/service(s).
- On social media
- In your product software or mobile apps
- E-cards/e-publications (ebooks, emagazines, blogs etc.)
Or on printed media like
- Product packaging/labelling, business cards, letterheads, PoS advertising, billboards, cover arts for CD’s/DVD’s
- Magazines, newspapers and books
In both cases there are limitations to the number of times the image will be used. You can get in touch with our support staff, if you predict a widespread use of the images that you have purchased.
- If the content contains either a person (model) or a property in ways that any reasonable person would find them to be offensive. Some examples would be use of content in an Adult/Pornographic setting. Or in a way that suggests the model(s) endorse your product(s), or in a political context which the models/properties may or may not subscribe to. Additionally showing the models as un-well (physically or mentally) or engaging in criminal activities. In-brief anything that portrays the model(s)/property in anything libellous, obscene, defamatory or illegal.
- You may not resell, redistribute, share or transfer any content you have purchased for your own use.
- You may not use the content which could infringe upon any third party trademark or intellectual property.
- Falsely depict (implicitly or expressly) that the content was created by you or a person other than the copyright holder(s).
- You cannot use the image in pornographic or adult-related content or purposes, nor any other morally questionable uses.
- You cannot use images with models or properties in any defamatory way that means a negative connotation on the models or properties depicted in the image. This includes concepts on sexuality, gender, health, politics, and any other sensitive uses.
- You cannot use images with models or properties in a way that pretends that they are endorsing a product or service directly.